Speaking into the World

Join us in our Sunday Services at 10.30 and 18.30

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Building The Hope

Passionate about our mission, our beliefs, and our hope in Jesus.

About us

Making Jesus Known

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Join us in person at our 10.30am Sunday Morning Service
Or drop in at 10.30 - 11am on Tuesday and Thursday for quiet devotional services

Our weekly Sunday Service Livestream is also available through our sermon page or youtube channel.

Ministry Assistant

We are pleased to announce the opening of a ministry assistant position within our church
Please see the attached job advert for more information on how to apply
Park Church Outside

Our Church

A congregation of all ages seeking to share Christ's love with one another. We build each other up through the regular teaching of God's word, Prayer and Bible Study, so that we might share the Good News of Jesus Christ to our community of Uddingston.

Ministers Collage

Our History

For over 150 years Park Church has stood at the center of the village of Uddingston. Learn some more about our story

Bible Reading

Our Ministry

Explore the various ministries within Park, including Bible Fellowship Groups, Youth Events and Park Kids.

Welcome to Park Church

"To know Christ and make Him known"


Latest Sermon Series

Visit the sermons page for more

Upcoming Events

Ways to get involved in our community


A fun-filled Saturday afternoon for all primary-aged children with a fast-paced programme including team games, crafts, Bible stories, dramas, puzzles, challenges and more! Held every second month from September to May, completely free of charge with a small snack provided. Get in contact to find out more!


Held in the church hall every Monday evening during school term, Connect is a space for young people to come together and have fun in a safe environment. Open to all young people from P7 to S6, with space to play games, explore faith, and make friends.

Re-Fresh on Wednesdays

Informal worship, Bible study, fellowship and prayer takes place every Wednesday at 2.30pm and again at 7.30pm. Held in the church and led by the minister or members of the congregation, choose whichever time suits you best.